Get top X pools on a network's DEX.
Retrieves a paginated list of top pools on a specific network’s DEX. Supports sorting and ordering, returning essential price data and token details.
Path Parameters
Network slug or ID (e.g., 'solana'). You can find the list of supported networks with their IDs here: /networks.
DEX identifier or name (e.g., 'uniswap_v2'). You can find the list of supported DEXes with their IDs here: /networks/{network}/dexes.
Query Parameters
Zero-based page index for paginated results.
Required range:
0 <= x <= 1000
Number of items to return per page (max 500).
Required range:
1 <= x <= 500
Sort order for the requested data (ascending or descending).
Available options:
, desc
Field by which to order the returned data.
Available options:
, price_usd
, transactions
, last_price_change_usd_24h
, created_at
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